We had a great time in Vegas over the Easter weekend. Charlie loved being with all his cousins. This picture of Reese, Clara, Audrey, and Charlie on the hammock shows how much fun he had.

The big line-up for the Easter egg hunt.

Hailey was such a big help, she fed and played with Charlie every second she got.

After church on Sunday we went outside to take a few pictures. Charlie and Reese just wanted to play with Daisy... actually, Reese wanted to hug and kiss Daisy and Charlie wanted to eat her fur.

My cute boys!

What's wrong with this picture?

Easter Sunday family picture.

Charlie and his Easter basket. He loved all the goodies the Easter bunny brought. He especially loved the "cat toys" and plastic squeaky chicken... sadly, the church books were his least favorite.

We hope everyone had a great Easter... we sure did!