We ended up with two different 11 month shots... the "Donald" photo and the "Lewis" photo. People are always commenting on Charlie's hair. His "faux-hawk" is getting longer and folding down a bit so Momoo Sherie titled it "Donald Trump hair." Then while we were at the doctor's office a few weeks ago the receptionist asked me if I had seen Meet the Robinsons, she said that Charlie looked identical to the main character "Lewis". What do you think?
Updates: Charlie is no longer taking a pacifier, those darn teeth got in the way. Our crazy man loves playing chase; he crawls as fast as those little legs can go and giggles while we try to get him. No signs of walking yet but Charile is pulling himself up on everything. He freaks out though if he loses his balance and falls, hopefully he will toughen up and not be too overly sensitive. Charlie is also into clapping ang waving at people... our little social butterfly.