name: Charlie Koch
age: 3 years
height: 29 inches
weight: 35 pounds
Has it really been 3 years? Time seems to keep passing me by, sometimes I want to just bottle it up and stay in this moment forever. Charlie is my buddy, and I am loving this age. He is full of personality and probably the friendliest boy I know. Trust me, there are many moments of frustration, but on this special day we will stick with the positive.
Over the past six months I have been jotting down some of the funny moments that take place in our home thanks to Char-char:
- After yet another pair of wet undies I asked, "Charlie, why are your undies wet?" His answer: "Because my wiener did it!"
- When I am sure Charlie is getting into some mischief I will ask what he is up to, his response "just nuffing."
- I heard some yelling while Charlie was outside playing by himself. Me: "Hey Char, who are you yelling at?" Charlie: "Just the birds mommy, just the birds!"
- Space ship = shash shpit
- Remote control=Ha-remote
- gum=gun
- dizzy= "I'm so busy." (after spinning around)
- going to the bank=going to the piggy bank
- seat belt= safe belt
(Someone loves taking self-portraits.)
- Whenever I am in a different room Charlie will walk in and say "Find-ja!" All day long from room to room it's "find-ja, find-ja!"
- When we walk into the house after being gone Charlie says "Oh no, my Daddy is not home. I sure do miss my Daddy!" The funny thing is, even when Adam is home and goes to take the trash out or something Charlie says "Daddy, I was missin' you" the moment he walks back in the door.
- Charlie says "Hi" to me All. Day. Long.
- Charlie LOVES his friends. Every night while saying his prayers he blesses his friends.
- One day I told Charlie that his buddy Logan was going to come over and play. Charlie responded with "PARTY... PARTY!"
- I have never known someone who gets more into watching TV than Char. (I take that back, I think he gets it from his father.) When I say INTO I mean he shouts at the TV. If a character asks a question then Charlie shouts the answer like he IS the character.
- We were in the drive-through at El Pollo Loco and I was talking in the intercom saying we wanted one burrito, a side salad, ect... then Charlie yells from the back seat "... and a HOT DOG!"
- During Christmas time Adam mentioned something about being married while we were at the dinner table. Charlie heard the word marry and said "No, mommy's Mary, I 'm Joseph and daddy's Justin."
favorite word: mustache
This is Charlie's first happy face picture... with a mustache. He thought it was hilarious.

- We were outside and Charlie stood on top of the slide and said, "Wow, look at the great big world."
- After walking into church one Sunday we sat down behind a family we had not seen in a while. Charlie leaned over the pew and said "Hey remember me, I 'm Charlie Koch."
- Charlie was walking through the living room chewing on something. I asked him what he had in his mouth and he said "just the couch." Apparently the fuzz from the couch is a tasty treat.
- At night when I am putting June to bed Charlie always asks if he can "give Junie a kiss on the eye-ball."
- When Charlie first started potty training he needed to be reminded to point his you-know-what down so pee would not go flying. So he was sitting on the toilet and I was helping him keep it down and he said "Don't touch it mommy, I got to go my privacies."
- As we were walking into Trader Joe's Charlie asked, "Are we going to Target again?"
- My brother would ask Charlie "Whose your favorite uncle?" Then one night Adam asked "Who's your favorite daddy?" Charlie's response "MOMMY."
- Charlie was laying on the floor looking up at me and asked "Mommy, are you having a baby?" I instantly yelped "NO! Does mommy's tummy look like I am going to have a baby?" Charlie innocently said "No, but are your boobies having a baby."
favorite color: orange
favorite food: broccoli, green beans, all sweets!
favorite activity: swimming, playing baseball/soccer/football, yelling at the TV
favorite pastime: singing
favorite book: How Do I Love You (memorized from reading so many times)