Sweet Nollie
pollie is 2 months already. He has been smiling and cooing a ton, which gets him lots of attention. Through all the smiling we have confirmed that he has a cute little dimple on his left cheek, so cute. Nolan has been the smallest of my kids, probably because he spits up a lot
(notice his shirt in this picture) and because he actually sleeps through the night when my other two insisted on eating. He weighs 10 pounds 15 ounces and is 23 inches long (50
th percentile for both). At his appointment the doctor commented on how strong Nolan was and how he had a very powerful kick. That strong kicking gave him his first injury. While sitting in his car seat on a long car ride, Nolan was crying and kicking so much, and so hard that he got a "rug burn" on his heels. Total rascal. We love our little guy and he continues to brighten our crazy household.