Adam and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary yesterday. We dropped Charlie off at Grandma's house and then Adam took me to the
Melting Pot for dinner. It took us about two and a half hours to eat, there was so much food. We both said that we have found our new favorite restaurant and that we might need to make that our annual anniversary tradition. Being the food lovers that we are we realized that it does not take an exotic trip to make us happy, just some fine dining. (Although I am sure I won't be saying that if he tried to just take me to dinner on our 10 year anniversary! By then we need some serious jewelry or a tropical vacation... hint, hint.) Adam told me that many guys speak of their missions as the best two years of their life but his best two have been with me! What a charmer!! I must say that I feel like one lucky gal to be married to such a great guy.
Maybe we could talk Jeff and Adam into a trip to the DR together! That would be so fun! Your little Charlie is the cutest! Really, he is such a beautiful baby!! We would love to see him and you two:)
I've heard the melting pot is amazing. What a sweet hubby.
dude...that is soo funny. That is where Teresa and I went for our second anniversary dinner. See Adam and I have our own anniversary schedule ...forget a gift made out of paper we have our own plan for you ladies.
I was thinking about you guys yesterday! Congratulations! I've never been to the Melting Pot, but I have been wanting to go for a long time. Ours is next week...hmmm.
I'm disappointed that my time with Adam has now been relegated to 2nd best :-)
Happy anniversary! I can't believe you guys have only been married 2 years...you seem like old-timers! :)
Hey, it's Regan. I can't beleive I found you guys on here. How funny is it that we all blog. Well Happy Anniversary!
Hey, come check out our blog too
has it really only been two years! wow I thought you two were old veterans when it came to this game! Ahh you make it look so easy!congratulations you two!
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