Age: 3
38.5 inches (75%)
33.5 pounds (60%)
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite song: Special To Me
Favorite thing to wear: Pink skirts with ruffles (she has 3 of them)
Favorite food: Cereal
Loves of her life: her pink blanket (nigh-night), chapstick & Nolan
- June wakes up and the first words out of her groggy mouth are: "I want some cereal."
- Poor girl has overeaten two times, to the point of throwing up [the culrpit: (1) tangerines, (2) pasta]
- Mid tantrum she will stop screaming, smile, then talk baby talk to Nolan. She LOVES him.
- Did I mention she has major tantrums?
- She "toots" all. day. long.
- June-bug is very daring and determined. She will try just about anything.
She hates soggy cereal. Any food that has been out too log she refers to as "soggy."
- My rule-breaker (One Sunday while the sacrament bread was being passed she looked at me and then quickly shoved two pieces in her mouth)
- She has the cutest freckles
- She loves all things sparkly
- Anytime we go to get into the car Junie grabs as many toys as possible to take with her. She also takes a pile of books, toys, babies, to bed with her. The more the merrier.
- She is great at rolling down hills and hopping on one foot
- Walks around the house singing Party in the USA
- June loves baking. She gives a thumbs up to: brown sugar & chocolate chips, thumbs down to: salt & baking soda
Special To Me
(Baby Signing Time)
Today will soon be over
Tomorrow will arrive
Right now I’m going to hold you
Until you close your eyes
Words can’t always sum up
The feelings that I feel
So peaceful when you’re sleeping
I know you’ll hear me still...
Singing "You are very special to me
And I am very special to you
I know that this is where I am meant to be
I’m glad that my baby is you!"
Exactly what I wanted
Exactly who you are
I know we’ll work together
And we will reach the stars
Families stick together
And family lasts forever
Forever, that’s how long
I’ll love you...
Singing "You are very special to me
And I am very special to you
I know that this is where I am meant to be
I’m glad that my baby is you"
I know this is where I am meant to be
I’m glad that my baby is you!
(Baby Signing Time)
Today will soon be over
Tomorrow will arrive
Right now I’m going to hold you
Until you close your eyes
Words can’t always sum up
The feelings that I feel
So peaceful when you’re sleeping
I know you’ll hear me still...
Singing "You are very special to me
And I am very special to you
I know that this is where I am meant to be
I’m glad that my baby is you!"
Exactly what I wanted
Exactly who you are
I know we’ll work together
And we will reach the stars
Families stick together
And family lasts forever
Forever, that’s how long
I’ll love you...
Singing "You are very special to me
And I am very special to you
I know that this is where I am meant to be
I’m glad that my baby is you"
I know this is where I am meant to be
I’m glad that my baby is you!
What a sweet girl (minus the tantrums :)... but we have a lot of those over here too!) I also call James bugaboo although I don't know why. She is a cutie.
Junie is too cute! I love her little freckles too.
I agree with the "soggy". It's all about the "crunch". Junie is so cute and is so photogenic. Miss you guys.
Oh I love you June-bug!! Yes Nora Liz, you are raising your three-year-old self! I love it!!!! xox
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