Monday, October 15, 2012

Tree climbing.

Once upon a time there was a little girl named June who loved to climb trees.  One day June fell out of the tree and landed on her face.  June cried and screamed, but she was also a brave girl.  She had a knot on her forehead, a bloody nose, and a fat lip.  June felt sad.  June's mom and dad felt sad too. 
The next day was June's first day of preschool.  She did not seem to be worried about her injury, she was just excited to start school.  The only problem was it was difficult to smile with a fat lip.
By day 3 June was pretty swollen and black and blue.  June's mommy thought that Disneyland would be the perfect cure for the girl who could not smile.    
June tried and tried to smile.  Cinderella thought, "No one could be as beautiful as I, but the least I can do is pose with this pitiful, mangled child."
Around day 5 the swelling had gone down and June was back to her usual activities: swimming, dancing and even a few more tree climbing attempts.
But there was also a problem...

June's nose did not return to its normal cuteness like the rest of her face did.  Maybe Cinderella was right, June Koch may lose her beauty and be left with a pitiful crooked nose. 

So June went to visit the ENT doctor.  June was the perfect patient (unlike the time she visited the dentist).  The diagnosis: a broken nose.  The treatment: closed reduction nasal fracture with stabilization. 
The morning of surgery June was whisked out of a peaceful sleep at 5 a.m. by her mommy and taken to the surgical center. She did not mind being woken up but she did not like the fact that she could not have her usual bowl of cereal. 
She also did not like the hospital gown and socks she was asked to wear, so the nurses let her stay in her p.j's.
And she was not a fan of the surgical cap either, but she was bribed with princess stickers.
June waved good-bye to her mommy and was taken away in the "bed with wheels."  She was in and out of surgery in less than 30 minutes.  June-bug was so brave.   
The best part was getting an otter pop for breakfast.  June was happy.  June's mom and dad were happy. And I am sure Cinderella would be happy too.


Rachel B. said...

Okay, the picture of June with Cinderella along with your caption is making me laugh so hard! Poor little Juney. Such sad pictures, but what a trooper she was, wow!

i2iverboy said...

Hello there! I am glad June went through her surgery fine. She is such a brave girl on those pictures. I came upon your post because our 2 year old daughter, Eeya, is also a brave girl like June and had her nose broken last week. We went to see the doctor yesterday and she is now scheduled to have a closed reduction procedure tomorrow. Though my brave girl doesn't seem to be worried at all, it's been a really traumatic experience for me and my wife until now. We are worried on how the procedure will go and how will the healing be and how will this affect her looks--if there are going to be deformities. Everything is stressing us out. How is June now? Did you have to return to the doctor after the surgery? Was there any complications? Are there any cosmetic problems? Please feel free to send us updates at or call/text 206-497-7723. Thank you! ~Allan