Sunday, December 2, 2012

Grateful November.

 November is a month I tend to overlook because I am so focused on making Halloween costumes in October and preparing for Christmas in December.  At the beginning of the month I decided to make a conscious effort to pause each day and be grateful.  I tried really hard to care less about the cleaning and all the "to do" lists and instead just BE.  BE in the moment.  BE happy and enjoy this time that is passing by so quickly.  It is the simple things in life that bring me happiness, that I know for sure.  Here are a few things I paused to enjoy this month:
One a day when both Charlie and June were in school I was off to Trader Joe's to tackle the never ending grocery list.  Nolan and I decided to take a detour to the pet shoppe next door to check out all the animals.  He loved it.  I loved it more. 
 Now that Charlie is in school June and I have special time each day to spend together.  We do different things throughout the week but we always eat lunch together.  I have loved spreading on the peanut butter, slicing fruit, and giggling with my girl. 
I have come to really enjoy the days my kids have an appointment (doctor, dentist, EYE EXAM).  Thanks to friends who occasionally have watched my other kids, I am able to have special one-on-one time with the "patient".  Charlie looks so cute in his new glasses and I cherish the experience I had with him seeing the doctor, picking out his glasses, and holding his hand while chatting in between.     
The beginning of November was one of the hottest days of the year.  The Martino's had the day off school so I took Charlie out early and we headed down to the beach to meet up.  It was a perfect day.
Adam set up the projector in the backyard and the kids stayed up late to watch Madagascar 3 on the trampoline.  Something so simple yet so thrilling.
    Charlie usually walks to school while I push the other two in the stroller.  He about fell over when I suggested we ride scooters together, just me and him.  It made for an interesting "ride" back home with two scooters in tow but the sounds of glee from the ride there were priceless.
June came downstairs after already being tucked in.  She joined Adam and I for a little Wheel of Fortune and then we squeezed her cute buns.  It was "awesome" (in her words) that she got to stay up so late!   
This little one radiates JOY.  I took this picture on my phone, blurry and all, thinking: I never want to forget this moment.  My sweet Nolan, squealing with happiness just because his mama is smiling at him.
Here is a guy that lives like I did in the month of November everyday of his life.  I joke with Adam that if I was like him  the house would be a filthy mess and nothing would ever get done.  His response: "Well at least you'd be HAPPY!"  I love this perspective... most of the time (even though it is easier said than done).  I am grateful I am married to such an amazing man.  I will try to continue to live in the moment and soak up all the sunshine around me!
(P.s. This picture was taken at my beautiful cousin Amy's amazing wedding.   We literally dance the entire night and I saw moves come from Adam on the dance floor that I have not seen in 7 years of marriage!  An unforgettable evening to say the least.)

1 comment:

Rachel B. said...

Awww! LOVED this post Nora! Everything about it!