Sunday, August 26, 2007

3 months.

It is amazing how quickly time flies. Charlie is three months old and cuter than ever. He is giggling like crazy and he talks like we can actually understand what he is jabbering about. He has discovered his hands, so they are constantly in his mouth. He occasionally chokes on a finger or two that goes a bit too far back in his throat; it's the funniest thing! Charlie often eats to the point of falling asleep or being in a "milk coma," but as soon as I sit him up to burp him he goes nuts. It is like he is realizing the food fest is over and he can hardly handle it. His latest thing is he likes to have his eyes covered to help get to sleep. There are times when he is hysterical and as soon as we cover his face he calms down. "Little Buster" is Charlie's newest nickname... I am not sure how it came about, but I can imagine it happened while his feisty personality was in full effect. Until next month...

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