Friday, July 24, 2009

Making Amends.

From the words of rapper Ice Cube: Today Was A Good Day! My naughty little boy was so sweet and so dang funny today. He woke up his usual happy self, singing away, and still after six months, waiting for me to get him out of bed. He wanted to wear this flashlight on his head and he walked around with it all morning. I decided to take the kids to IKEA because I needed some hooks (random) and we ended up making an afternoon of it. Charlie and I had some famous IKEA meatballs for lunch while June slept in her car seat. Then Charlie played in the little kiddie section of the store. There was this train set I had been considering getting for him, his girlfriend Emerson has it and he LOVES it. Plus, I have been looking for some kind of race track for him since his birthday. So I bought it. Charlie fell asleep on the drive home so I set up the train track for him to see when he woke up. The look on his face was priceless. He was all groggy from his nap and he gave me the goofiest tired-eyed smile and said "Thank you Mommy!" Then he began to play with his new train. Two minutes go by "Thank you Mommy!" Two more minutes,"Thank you Mommy!" ...big smile "Thank you Mommy!" ...another big smile.


Emily said...

awwww, sweet charlie boy. Don't you love how the simplest things can make them so happy. We have that same train set and love it!

Ginger said...

He's so adorable! That smile is always priceless. I always love the days when your children are happy with you. Unfortunately it's much easier when they're smaller like that. I will pull out video once in a while to remind myself of how sweet and adorable my children once were. Yes, they did love me that much at one point ;).

BTW, we've had that train set forever. Ben still whips it out to set it it's a good purchase on your part.

Jen said...

Oh Charles, you are either so sweet or so not. You kind of remind me of someone...

Morph This said...

ha ha ha ha jen.

and i am so glad that charlie boy got his train set! he looks so happy. emmy misses her char char.

Desirae Badger said...

It's great that you decided to promote generic trains instead of going with the popular Thomas the Train. I hear all that gear can be pretty pricey. Thank-you's from little children are the best! Their joy is our joy.

Elise said...

What a cutie!

grandma graham said...

What a sweet mommy you have Char Char, to surprise you with such a fun new toy!!