Tuesday, January 26, 2010

10 months.

This month June has gone from being a baby to a total toddler. The little missy is a whopping 20+ pounds and my hip is starting to feel it. June's missing bottom tooth finally appeared and so did all four of her top teeth. June has figured out how to pull herself up but it has taken all month for her to master getting back down. The first time she stood up in her crib she got stuck and freaked out... I just grabbed the camera and snapped away. Army crawling still continues to be her favorite mode of transportation. The only frustrating thing about this lady is she has started to make a habit out of blowing her food all over the place when she eats, but somehow everything she does seems to be cute!


Jeff, Erin, Macy, Owen& June said...

She is adorable!

grandma graham said...

Such a big girl June-bug!!! Those big tears in your eyes standing in your crib was so sad, I just wanted to grag you and pick you up!!!!!! xox

Elise said...

Cutie pie!